Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Little Sunshine!

Thanks for the award, Allie!! And it's so fitting since we are having such a wonderful, sunshine-filled week!! Now to pass the torch...


1. Post the award on your blog.
2. Pass the award to 12 bloggers (I only did 6, however!!!). Link the nominees within your post.
3. Let the nominees know by commenting on their blog.
4. Share the love and link to the person who gave it to you.

  1. Wildflowers and Marbles
  2. Waltzing Matilda
  3. Shower of Roses
  4. The Polka Dot Chair
  5. Catholic Icing
  6. In The Heart of My Home

1 comment:

Lacy @ Catholic Icing said...

Thank you so much for the award! I just accepted it over on my facebook page:

And may I say that you really had some great choices. I read every blog that you just awarded! :-D

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