Thursday, November 20, 2008

Back on Track.

We did get to finish our Harvest lapbook this week. Although the kids did not decorate the front or back of the lapbook, they had a great time doing the activities and helping with the pasting and taping of the lapbook. Here is a picture.

The Harvest lapbooks look plain, but the activities were fun!!

We also have started reading our Thanksgiving books and they are all a big hit around here. Anthony is loving his BFIAR selection of The Little Rabbit. Color matching is always fun for him and he is getting faster at naming colors. This week we did color matching using Lauri's Sorting Set. Unfortunately, I didn't get to take him to the pet store today to look at the rabbits, but maybe over the weekend we can take a quick trip. As for tomorrow, Anthony will be finishing the week with animal classification.

Anthony loves Lauri's Sorting Set.

Since I did have some catching up to do with Marco, Isabella enjoyed some extra time with our centers today. She worked on two reading centers: word families and matching words. Sometimes I forget that I have these really cool centers to use for crunch time. I'm glad that I didn't forget today!

Matching letters and words.

Working with word families.


Juli said...

Liz, where do you get all your learning supplies for centers and school? Do you ever have a problem with the little ones getting things out when you don't want them, too? I would love to do centers, but am afraid my two year old would get everything out.

Liz said...

If you check out my centers label, you will find a post with links to where I get ideas for centers and take to your seat activities. You'll also see a picture of how I have them organized and set up. They are hanging from a wall in my school room, so the little kids can't get to them and the big kids aren't allowed to take them unless they ask permission or I give them one.

It took a couple of days of reminding the big kids that they were not allowed to play with them unless they were told to. No problems after that! We also have a rule that only 1 center/file folder game may be taken out at a time.


Juli said...

Thank-you. Also, I was reading on another blog about somebody asking about BFIAR and I directed them to your site, because I knew that you use it.

Gidget Girl Reading said...

hi i love your ideas i was given i link to your blog by juli from mine!

i'm thinking of starting BFIAR with my LO cuz i already kind do it on my own we read a book and do extension activities from it. anyway we are going to start with Blueberries for Sal since she loves the color blue and bears!

do you have any suggestions i tried to get it from my library i'm on the list #6 and they only have 2 so who knows when i'll get it! is it worth buying? is it expensive?


Liz said...

You can buy the paperback of Blueberries for Sal for it's list price of $5.99. My kids love the book (it is one of their favorites), so I do have a copy.

One think many BFIAR moms do is go blueberry picking...this, of course, is a summer idea. You can also check out for more ideas on activities for the book. If you click on my Preschool Schedule tab, you'll see the activities we are doing! I like to keep it nice and simple.

Good luck! BFIAR is a great preschool curriculum and my kids have loved doing it!

Cheers to Being Back!

It's been quite some time since I updated this little part of the blogosphere.  New adventures, new trials, and new seasons in life.  I...