Wednesday, June 25, 2008

VBS and Schedules.

Well, this week the kids have been attending Vacation Bible School and they are having a blast!! It has really allowed me to have some quality time with Anthony and Christian, since they are too little to attend. My DH has this week off, so it's been great to spend time together!

It is our home improvement week, so DH will be power washing the house today and I'll be painting the mailbox. On Friday, we are leaving everything behind and taking off for a camping trip in the mountains. The kids are counting down the days!

With all this going on, I'm getting my materials together for next week's schooling. I have been doing math and phonics with the kids but nothing else. Next week I'm starting EVERYTHING!! I have been putting it off a little because I have felt so unprepared, but I'm using my time wisely this week while the kids are away.

Today I'm planning on setting up the bins for each child where the daily assignments will go. I already have them in place, but haven't used them since we stopped doing all our other subjects from kindergarten and preschool. I'll have to figure out a better way to get all the paperwork organized.

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Cheers to Being Back!

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