Saturday, June 20, 2009

Final Preschool Planning.

Bear with me, please. I'm trying to tackle one child at time, in terms of planning. I feel an incredible need to have everything completely done before August. This is, of course, because that is when I'm due with baby #5!

First on my list was preschool. Materials? Bought! Daily Schedule? Done! Lesson Plan Breakdown? Finished! Preschool Box? Organized! So now I feel one-third complete!

I decided to use a separate planner for Anthony this year. Besides not having enough room to squeeze 3 kids into one, I thought that it would be easier to do this since much of his preschool is hands-on and might require more writing space for notes. I picked up a planner from Seton while at the IHM Conference. A good deal for only $6 and you can get one here.

Here is a breakdown of Anthony's Daily Preschool Schedule. (*Click on images for a larger view)

Scheduling his school work is simple. The HWT Teacher's Guide comes with a handy daily schedule at the end of the book, so all the work was done for me! MFW is similarly done, but a little more difficult to follow if you haven't done it before (and it's been over a year for me!). So I decided to make 2 simple charts. A Daily Lesson Planner, that will tell me what needs to be done daily before every lesson; and a Weekly Lesson Planner, that breaks down what is done every day. The planners don't include much detail, as all the information is found in the Teacher's Manual.

A quick note about the Weekly Lesson will notice that I broke it down by days (as described in the Teacher's Manual). This does not mean that we will be doing this on a daily basis. We are just going to follow the progression on a twice a week schedule, so finishing a week in MFW K might take us up to 2 weeks or more.

So on to planning for the older kids!! I must admit that planning for preschool is fun. It's simple and just thinking of Anthony's excitement at doing his own school work makes me happy!


Christie said...

hi! I have enjoyed browsing your blog. lol You have some wonderful planning/scheduling ideas!!
I don't mean to throw another *choice* to you for math, but I read your post about finding a supp to help solify math. I found MEP math earlier this year and plan on using it as a supp with my oldest son's Saxon math and my 5 yr old will be using it exclusively for now....I think. lol Generally they say to go down a grade or two because the UK grades are a bit ahead of the US. I plan on just using the worksheets with my oldest...not the whole program.
Here is a link if you want to check it out. Oh, and it's FREE!!

Liz said...

Thanks! I always have time to check out something new!!

Cheers to Being Back!

It's been quite some time since I updated this little part of the blogosphere.  New adventures, new trials, and new seasons in life.  I...