Monday, March 12, 2007

On Our Way

Today is our official start of kindergarten. This really doesn't mean much, except that we'll be adding a couple of extra elements to our school days. I'm moving Marco on to Saxon 1 and he'll also be starting on his Who Am I? kindergarten workbook (as opposed to the pre-school workbook we've been doing). I'm also incorporating one science experiment per week revolving around a topic we'll be discussing. Besides that, everything else is staying the least for the moment.

Sometime in April or May, we'll be starting with Draw, Write, Now and perhaps Handwriting Without Tears. I'm also looking into a music curriculum to enhance his piano lessons that he will start in late spring or summer. History Links is another unit study curriculum choice that we are looking into, but haven't decided on yet. And of course, we'll be busy with read alouds and phonics lessons. Looking back at my schedule it seems like over-kill; but I know that we're not doing every subject every day.

A great thing we're planning together is the start of our garden. We've picked a spot in our yard and I'll be working on the grids this weekend. We have been inspired by "Square Foot Gardening" and are looking forward to having a great first experience with growing our own produce. Marco and Isabella are very excited about breaking in their gardening gloves and are constantly asking when we are going to start planting stuff. Last year we had a little herb garden that Marco planted and we used it for cooking almost everyday! I'm sure the kids will feel the same sense of pride knowing that what they are eating was planted by them!

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Cheers to Being Back!

It's been quite some time since I updated this little part of the blogosphere.  New adventures, new trials, and new seasons in life.  I...