Saturday, August 1, 2009

The Final List. 2nd Grade & Kindergarten Curricula for 2009-2010.

I posted our tentative curricula a few months ago for Marco and Isabella. At that time, I was still waiting to peruse all the books at the homeschool conference. Since then, there have been a few changes made and I am now posting our final list. As you will notice, I'm combining several subjects for the kids.

If you are interested in viewing Anthony's preschool curricula for the 2009-2010 year, you can find that here.

Marco 2nd Grade
Saxon Math 3
MCP Math Level B (as an occasional supplement)

Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading (as a review)
MCP Phonics B
Varied Readers

MCP Spelling Workout B

First Language Lessons 1 & 2
Rod and Staff English 2

Writing With Ease 1 & 2

Faith & Life 2
St. Joseph's Baltimore Catechism (using Mother of Divine Grade lesson plans)
Books about Saints

History Odyssey Middle Ages Level 1 (this program incorporates Story of the World, The Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the World, and Hillyer's Children's History of the World)
The Old World and America (Catholic history supplement)

Geography and Cartography:
Galloping the Globe
National Geographic Map Essentials 2

Real Science 4 Kids Pre-Chemistry Level 1 /R.E.A.L. Science Chemistry by Pandia Press at co-op (these two different curricula are being combined to make course last a whole year)

Piano Lessons
Bell Choir at co-op

Unit Studies:
Human Body unit study for 14 weeks in the first semester
Animal unit study in the second semester (number of weeks undetermined)

Foreign Language:
Conversational Spanish at home
Elementary Spanish on Discovery Ed. Streaming
Latin at co-op

Art and Nature Study:
Art Adventures at Home, Level 1
Weekly nature study using Handbook of Nature Study with Outdoor Hour Challenges
*Free time with art books, crafts, and art supplies in our learning center

Isabella Kindergarten
Saxon Math 1

Ordinary Parents Guide to Teaching Reading
MCP Phonics A
Varied Readers

MCP Spelling Workout A (beginning in the middle of year)

Faith & Life 1
Books about Saints

History Odyssey Middle Ages Level 1 (this program incorporates Story of the World, The Usborne Internet Linked Encyclopedia of the World, and Hillyer's Children's History of the World)
The Old World and America (Catholic history supplement)

Geography and Cartography:
Galloping the Globe
National Geographic Map Essentials 1

Real Science 4 Kids Pre-Chemistry Level 1 /R.E.A.L. Science Chemistry by Pandia Press at co-op (these two different curricula are being combined to make course last a whole year)

Piano Lessons beginning in September

Unit Studies:
Human Body unit study for 14 weeks in the first semester
Animal unit study in the second semester (number of weeks undetermined)

Foreign Language:
Conversational Spanish at home
Elementary Spanish on Discovery Ed. Streaming
Latin at co-op

Art and Nature Study:
Art Adventures at Home, Level 1
Weekly nature study using Handbook of Nature Study with Outdoor Hour Challenges
*Free time with art books, crafts, and art supplies in our learning center


Agamemnonsmom said...

I just found your blog from WTM forums. You have such great ideas. I have a soon to be 5 year old. I wanted to cover the Human Body with him. Is there anyway you can post the remaining weeks of your plans for the unit? I looked at the sample pages of the books you are using and they look great!!

Liz said...

I would be more than happy to share the lesson plans with you. Just send me your email address to lizimagination at

The lessons are easy and basic. They don't include extra reading books, as I tried to leave that open for my DH to add to since he's doing the lessons.

Glad to help!


Angela said...

I noticed that some of our children are the same ages! You seem to be doing some of the same things I'm teaching my kids: Middle Ages (although I'm using different materials), Saxon Math, Piano Lessons, Faith & Life (which I LOVE - I've always used Seton in the past, but switched this year)!

Good luck with your newest family member arriving soon! (I'm due in December with our 4th!)

Cheers to Being Back!

It's been quite some time since I updated this little part of the blogosphere.  New adventures, new trials, and new seasons in life.  I...