Our household has been buzzing with homeschool, co-op, field trips, and the fabulous news of a new baby joining our family in May!! That's right...baby #6 is happily growing! With that, I'll add that I've had the most horrible morning sickness ever. Which has kept me from doing what I normally do around the house (blogging being one of those things). To bed at 8pm for me, with an afternoon nap thrown in. That was giving me minimal time to do anything else!
But my morning sickness has improved so much since I've headed into my second trimester! I'm only at 13.5 weeks, and it's exciting to see that I'm already showing. News of our little peanut has made everyone quite excited!!
So of course, morning sickness will never stop a homeschooling mom from doing lessons or toting the kids around to fun things. We've kept busy with everything from trips to the pumpkin patch, to making fall crafts, and even hosting our annual Halloween party!! Check it out! And I plan on fully coming back to the blogosphere to share all our adventures!